Breaking News

Selasa, 23 Juni 2015


All moms would want her healthy. Well here's the tips for getting a healthy pregnancy.

1. learn as much as possible about how wonderfulyour body is changing and how amazingly your babygrow and develop. Talk to your mom, your friends,and others about pregnancy, labor, and birth. Followthe pregnancy and attending classes, read books, and watch the video that is positive about pregnancy and childbirth.

2. Start to think and consider about the choice ofplace of birth. do you want to give birth in a hospital, at a maternity clinic, or at home. Select a health careprovider who will be able to help you in your chosenlocation and who helps build your confidence forpregnancy and childbirth.

3. Eat a balanced diet, take notice of the recommendations of the food pyramid. Drink more milk, or milk substitutes, foods and eat extra protein. If you don't eat a few servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day, drinking a vitamin containing folic acid prenatal. Drink plenty of water – six to ten glasses a day  and select the original fruit juice instead ofsoda.

4. avoid ingredients that may be harmful to you andyour baby, such as smoking (this includes passive smokers), alcohol, and drugs. Do not carelessly take medication, unless you have discussed with Yourdoctor and midwife.

5. Stay Active! Continue the exercise program did you do before you get pregnant in accordance with therecommendation of midwife/doctor. If you don't exercise before getting pregnant, consider the types of sports such as yoga, running, or swimming. Start with short term exercise and light, and gradually increase the amount of time You exercise.

6. Adequate rest. Listen to your body to determine whether you need a short break, throughout the dayand to determine how many hours of sleep do you need at night.

7. Talk to your baby and enjoy growing inner bondbetween you and your baby. Research now shows that the baby is reacting to the sense of touch since ten weeks of pregnancy. A few moments later, he canreact to light, sound, music, and other sounds.

8. try to minimize the stress in your life and practicestress management techniques such as breathing andrelaxation labat Kilroy. You can learn the techniques and other strategies for relaxation in educationalclasses bore. Come in and take classes at OURMIDWIFE and feel its benefits.

9. Plan the process of the birth of your baby. The process of birth is a normal, natural, and healthy.Search place birthing aid that supports and promotesprograms of vaginal birth. class Kilroy in Midwife Wewill help you understand what happens during the process of delivery and will help you and your partnerlearn the positions and movements that will help laborand ways to cope with stress and pain.

10. enjoy a special time in your life! Your partner,family and friends can help support You during this transition. Have confidence in the ability of your body to grow, maintainand gave birth to this baby aswomen have done for centuries.

Now that simple TIPS for a healthy pregnancy.

Let's strive.

Warm Regards

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