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Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

The village midwife Loses popular of Shaman-child

The villagers know shaman-child long before they get to know the village midwife. Labor and childbirth the villagers fully recovered with shaman-child that in factnever educated health at all.

Kinda understand, Yes, ladiesimagine the laborperformed traditionally without qualified medical equipment and kehigienisan are rather dubious.However, again, because the villagers know shaman-child than midwives, birthing assisted shaman thenincreased and seems pretty ok.

In addition because the villagers first know shaman-child than midwives, village, some reason whyshamans litter is preferred according to the are:

First, the shaman-child deemed more experiencedcompared to the village midwife average newgraduate school of midwifery.

Second, the public fear for maternity in the villagemidwife because certainly sewn.

The third reason, childbirth in the village midwife is more expensive than in the litter is usually a shamanpaid voluntarily.

The third reason special, presumably not all rural people know about jampersal (guarantee of delivery) which menggratiskan every mother who give birth inclinics assisted by midwives, village.

As reported by, the public is now more dihimbau to give birth at midwife villagedue to security reasons and ease of care of the birth certificate. Shaman-child stays are welcome to receive calls from the public, but must then be reported to the village midwife to her medical action.

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